Han, Mi-suk 한미숙 韓美淑
나라한 아름다울미 맑을숙
b. 1987. 12. 9
Lives and works in Paju and Seoul
2020 ~ 2022 D.F.A. (Doctor of Fine Arts), Painting, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
국민대학교 일반대학원 미술학과 회화전공 박사 과정 졸업
2016 ~ 2018 M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts), Painting, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea
[Additional Training]
2019 Royal College of Art, Contemporary Art practice, Short Course, London, UK
[Solo Exhibitions]
2021 Twinkle Twinkle, Hakgojae Art Center (1F), Seoul, Korea
2018 Imagine, Kultur Botschaft, Hamburg, Germany
[Selected Group Exhibitions]
2022 Round table, Art Museum Versi, Yongin, Korea
2019 What is an Image?, Dyson Gallery, (Royal College of Art), London, UK
2016 Screen project (online), Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
2014~2015 Art wall project, Aloft Hotel, Seoul, Korea
[Residency Program]
2021 Art museum Versi (Art residency), Yongin, Korea
[Selected Art Fair]
2023 The Holy Art Fair (19~22 Oct), The Truman Brewery, London, UK
[Selected Collaboration (Fashion & Graphic Design]
2006 Yo soy de corea, HANMISUK x Fitbow (Fashion Brand)
2024 The world makes me shine beautifully, (Han, Mi-suk, kunstforschen)
세상은 나를 비춰 아름답고 오래도록 빛나게 한다, 그림, 글, 한미숙, 쿤스트포르센 (정식 발행일 2025.1.7.)
2011 Great big book of Fashion Illustration (Martin Dawber, Batsford), UK (전 세계 출판)
2018 Nothing yet everything, connected, (Han, Mi-suk, kunstforschen, Independent publication)
아무것도 있다, 잇다, (한미숙, 쿤스트포르센, 독립출판)